All you need to know about Dermaroller Treatment
Treatment Procedure: The procedure itself takes 60-90 mins as a topical anaesthetic cream needs to be applied for around 30-60 mins prior to the start of the procedure. Once the area is numb, the doctor will use the dermaroller to roll over the skin in varying directions for approximately 15- 20 minutes. You should also be aware that multiple dermaroller treatments (usually 6-10) may be necessary to achieve the result that you want. Treatment sessions should be spaced a minimum of 3 weeks apart to allow the formation of new collagen between treatments.

Acne Scarring – After 6 sittings- Dermaroller Treatment
After Care: Remember that the area should be kept clean and sterile after treatment. The skin will begin to tighten and turn brown on the second day. By the second/third day, the skin should also begin to peel. This will generally last for 3-7 days. While your skin is peeling, we suggest the use of a good moisturizer as prescribed or a light layer of Petroleum Jelly, which can be purchase over the counter. These moisturizers or ointments can be applied as often as needed, but must be applied at least 2-3 times a day. In addition, your doctor will prescribe a mild steroid lotion/cream to be applied twice a day. Completely avoid sun exposure and/or use the prescribed sunscreen. Avoid the use of any other products on your face, while the peeling lasts. Avoid rubbing or scratching of your skin and do not assist the peeling process by pulling off the skin with your fingers or tweezers. You may cleanse your skin very gently twice a day with a sensitive cleanser like Cetaphil and pat dry with a soft towel. Resume application of the other prescribed skin creams after the peeling has completely stopped. Make-up should only be applied once the peeling is complete.
Here is a video of what you can expect during treatment at our clinic:
Side Effects: The commonest side effect is facial redness/ erythema, minor swelling, oozing, or discomfort immediately after the procedure, which can last from 12-24 hours depending on your skin type. Pain/ discomfiture is minimal as a local anesthetic cream is used before treatment. Occasionally, temporary (lasting 2-8 weeks) increase or decrease in skin pigmentation, which does not blend with normal skin, may occur. Therefore careful attention to the doctor’s instructions is imperative. Contact the clinic immediately if any of the following occur: 1. Skin infection (pus, oozing, fever). If you have a history of cold sore’s or any other allergies, please inform the doctor before the procedure. 2. Allergic reaction or irritation to any of the creams or medications or sun sensitivity.