Atopic Eczema and the role of a Pediatric Dermatologist.
Children are unique- in the sense, they cannot express their symptoms properly and often present with unique diseases. More importantly, diseases like psoriasis which are very typical clinically when seen in adults, look very different when they present in children. Further, treatments in children have to be tailored according to their individual needs. That is why you need a pediatric dermatologist in Vizag, who can identify and tailor the treatments according to your child’s condition. Dr. Sasi Kiran Attili & Dr. Ratnam Attili are world renowned Dermatologists with vast experience in treating a wide variety of childhood/ pediatric skin diseases including infections, White spot disease, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, insect bites, hair loss, etc.
Atopic dermatitis/ eczema is the commonest skin disease that children present with. It is a unique form of hypersensitivity that is associated with inhalant allergies, asthma and chronic dermatitis (eczema). The disease is caused by three main factors: environment, genetics and impaired immune response. Genetics has been proved to play a role particularly in studies involving twins and families. The environmental factors associated with it are irritants, exposure to various allergens and bacteria. Studies show that atopic dermatitis may increase the risk of childhood asthma and may affect the severity, occurrence and persistence of asthma.
Eczema treatment in Visakhapatnam entails liaison between the doctor, patient and the family. Our pediatric dermatologist in Vizag may suggest a treatment method based on age, general health and symptoms of the patient. Family members have to follow the doctor’s recommendations to ensure the treatment goes through.
Our pediatric dermatologist in Vizag plays three main roles when it comes to treatment: healing the skin and enhancing its health, treating symptoms as they manifest and preventing flares. When it comes to skin care, it is important that the patient uses the prescribed moisturizer regularly, along with the recommended soap. Use of different soaps, fragrances, lotions and different products can cause skin sensitivity and other complications.
Enhancing the skin health and healing it are very essential when it comes to averting more damage and improving the quality of life of the patient. The patient should bathe properly and apply an emollient to the skin when it’s still wet (without wiping off moisture with a towel). Patients suffering from this type of eczema should not use hot showers or baths. Instead, it is recommended that they use a lukewarm bath containing some chlorine bleach to disinfect and cleanse the skin. The dermatologist may suggest a limited use of non-soap cleanser or mild bar soap as soaps can have a drying effect on the skin.
Once you’re done bathing, you should quickly apply the ointment before drying with a towel. This helps to restore the moisture in the skin and prevents water from evaporating. This accelerates healing and establishes a barrier against more irritation and drying. Lotions are not recommended as they contain a high alcohol or water content. Also, they evaporate faster. Ointments are preferred, for treating dry skin. Filing the child’s fingernails short, and using soft cotton for clothing is also important to prevent the child from damaging his/ her skin. It is also recommended to use antihistamines at night to prevent itching and keep the patient cool and away from hot environments. You should also seek early medication once you recognize any skin infections. Finally you have to distract the child with activities to prevent them from scratching.