A Review of the Best Tan removal / Pigmentation Treatment Procedures in Visakhapatnam

Chemical Peels help
Skin care is a wide field but very important for both health and cosmetic purposes. One of the crucial skin care services is tanning removal Visakhapatnam. Our skin care specialists in Visakhapatnam offer a number of options to tanning removal/ skin pigmentation. The method selected depends on the diagnosis, severity, cost and the choice of the client. Before administering tanning treatment, our dermatologists in Visakhapatnam would try to understand the cause first. Tanning treatment Visakhapatnam and skin pigmentation can be caused by a number of factors. These include exposure to UV rays, diabetes, stress, exposure to chemicals/ drugs, obesity and some skin diseases like melasma, lichen planus etc, which cause overproduction of melanin.
One of the popular methods used in tanning removal is microdermabrasion. This can also be used for the treatment of pigmentation. Visakhapatnam is an industrial city. Exposure to pollutants and dust in the atmosphere does over time lead to dullness and loss of ‘glow’/ luster.

Benefits of Microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion involves the use of an abrasive rough diamond attached to the end of a hand held suction tool. During the process of microdermabrasion, our skin care experts remove the top layer of the skin which is usually affected by the pigmentation and tan. The dead skin layers along with other imperfections are removed, thus allowing production of new skin cells.

Microdermabrasion. What can I expect- post treatment
The procedure takes about 5-10 minutes and is not painful. The procedure also boosts production of skin collagen which allows for an even skin tone. After treatment it is important to wear a sunscreen and avoid exposure to direct sunlight. This is one of the safest, cheapest and simplest procedures for tan removal. The skin usually gets back to normal within 1-3 days. However you can go back to work immediately after treatment and the treatment would not interfere with your daily routine.
Chemical Peels Vizag
Chemical Peels in Vizag cause exfoliation of the skin, thus reducing pigmentation, tan and scars. Chemical Peels in Vizag also even out your skin texture and have an anti-aging effect by boosting collagen production. Combinations of acids of varying strengths are used, which determine whether the depth of the peel is superficial, medium or deep.
The selection of Chemical Peels in Vizag depends on the diagnosis and severity of the condition.

Chemical Peel- benefits
The common chemical peels employed include Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Glycolic acid, Kojic acid, Yellow peel, Jessner’s peel, Salicylic acid, Phenol peels etc. Immediately after the peel you can expect a mild burning sensation and redness. This usually settles within a few hours. However the skin would start peeling over the next 2-7 days. Medium to deep peels can only be administered by a specialist cosmetologist as they can cause untoward side effects including excessive pigmentation if used improperly.
This method involves the use of a hand held rolling device with numerous micro needles. The device is rolled over the dermis of the affected area puncturing hundreds of micro holes on the surface without damaging the epidermis. This action instigates the collagen in your body to regenerate itself repairing the scars and replacing the affected skin part resulting in a clearer smoother skin tone. 
The punctured columns heal quickly on the same day though the dace may feel a bit tight the following day. The whole procedure lasts for about an hour since you will need an anesthetic which takes about 30 minutes to work while the procedure takes between 20-30 minutes. Immediately after treatment the face will appear slightly red and swollen. This however largely settles over the next 24 hours. The usual downtime post procedure is 1-7 days. Depending on the condition one will need an average 3 treatments at 6 weeks intervals. Though mainly used as an ant aging and scar reduction procedure, dermaroller does also plump up the skin giving it an even glow and moreover helps treating some pigmentation problems like melasma.
Is dermaroller treatment is permanent solution if I use all the precautions after the treatment? Is one time dermaroller treatment to my problem sufficient ?
Unfortunately it isn’t a permanent solution. There isn’t in fact any permanent solution for melasma as it is hormonally induced and has to resolve gradually on its own, with time. We are suppressing it with treatment. But yes after taking dermaroller, it will significantly improve and if you continue to protect yourself from sunlight, and use the creams as prescribed, it is possible that your pigmentation will not recur. However, I do find that quite a few patients need repeat dermaroller sessions 3-4 times a year.
Will pigmentation disappear immediately after the treatment?
It will take 3-7 days for the result to be apparent, post treatment.
LASER Treatment

Nevus of Ota treated with the QS-ND-YAG Laser
LASER is a very expensive way for tan removal. It carries a much higher side effect risk and longer downtime, which is the reason we do not recommend it as a method of tan removal. However the Q-switched Nd-YAG Laser is works very well for the treatment of melasma and some other pigmentary problems like Nevus of Ota.

The doctor will discuss all these options with you at the time of consultation. Irrespective of the type of procedure employed, you would be asked to use a sunscreen +- topical depigmenting creams.